Saturday 23 April 2011

Avoiding work much?

As if life wasn't already riddled with enough distractions, I found myself off on a huge tangent today!

Firstly, I am running on a brand spanking new computer, so of course had to spend 12 hours sorting my files.... well, technically I didn't, I could have just transfered the files directly, but when better to have a good clearout of all my half-completed projects!

In a lot of ways, it was quite a cathartic task. Whilst trawling through the incomplete, I stumbled across ways of combining old part-written scripts and stories with the projects I am currently working on and have found a great new way to approach a couple of my bigger jobs.

But reading every last word of every poem, note and flash-piece I have written over the last 20 years or so takes a little time... especially when some of it is such utter drivel!

I also found myself wandering through old link listings, to discover along the way that the fabulous Mark Watson is appearing not so far from home next month... "BRILL!", thought I "I'll get tickets!" So after much more piffle and time wasting, I find myself back on Mark's website... hold on a moment, another list of dates later in the year... and he's actually in my home town, saving me an hour's drive! And more importantly, it's on my olderest, besterest friendling's birthday so I can justify treating myself in order to give her a fab birthday!! Everyone wins! Ok, everyone doesn't win, as my kids would want to come along too and guess what, they can't cos it's for my friend... bonus points to me then!

Two tickets bought, front and centre!

So as a result of all the sidetracking, I am now ready at almost 10pm to start the work I was commencing at 915am.

And more annoying is that it is wind-down time, yet all this snooping through old stuff has me buzzing with inspiration so I will be writing into the wee hours!

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