Wednesday 1 June 2011

Swansea or Bust!

Geography is vexing me like a hard-assed mofo right now! It would be fab if I didn’t love everything about living in this region…. It’s just that all the cool stuff is so damned far away!! You would not believe how many free tickets I have had to pass up lately because of living where I do!

I managed to score a couple of tickets for the Swansea Comedy Festival and have been desperately trying to arrange the logistics because I so need some hearty laughs right now. I have wanted to see Andrew Lawrence for a while, having missed out for a variety of reasons when he performed nearby a few weeks ago. He had a fab radio series last year which irritated me mostly by being recorded as just fifteen minute episodes so I am looking forward to hearing more of what he has to say! Also on the bill is Lloyd Langford. I have to admit to feeling a little ambivalent towards him: although I do laugh at his few appearances on television and radio, he often appears more as a feeder to other comedians so I wonder how well his comedy stands alone. Reviews don’t bode well, but I have always been a free-thinker, so will be keeping an open mind and will be sure to let you all know once the event has passed! In fact, I have to say that I tend to want to like something more if it has a bad review just so as to stick it to the reviewer.
I just hope my own words don't meet with the same contempt!

Getting away is not without its issues of course! With a disabled hub-ling and three children to organise, getting a night out even on a weekend is tricky – and this one is a school night! Add to that my fear of driving motorways, my terror at the thought of dealing with the bloody bridge again, the cost of fuel and the fact that staying awake for a 3 hour drive there let alone home again is likely to prove difficult for me, I was veering towards public transport. This isn’t as simple as it should be, though! I thought the advantages were clear: a faster journey, lower costs, a more relaxed trip. The reality is something else altogether. This probably is nothing new to those among you who have good rail links so use trains regularly, but here the trains go to one place only and as it is not somewhere I ever need to go, I do not use trains. Ever. That said I do know that were I to drive it would take 50 minutes, whilst the train journey is a mere 15-20. Why, then, does my three hour drive to Swansea become a five hour train journey? Least of all because were I to take a ten minute drive to the next town, I can actually see the bloody place! And why is it that whilst I can get there for a mere £11.50, I am expected to cough up £45 for my return? In having a moan over facebook about this (as one must in such circumstances!) I commented, “Well that’s it – I shan’t go!” to which an old friend replied simply with “It seems to me, going isn’t the problem!” That gave me a little chuckle as I pondered over whether attending a comedy gig was reason enough to abandon my domestic duties altogether and set up a new life for myself.

The jury is still out on that one!

Luckily, I am blessed with the friendship of one of the most amazing people on the planet, who called me up and said “Don’t panic, I’ll borrow hubs car and drive you there!” Perfect, since I had a spare ticket anyway! So ROADTRIP!! Very much looking forward to it! Indeed!
Mostly for some quality time with my top girl! Not only that, but we both SO need to blow out the cobwebs right now!

So I was thinking “Where do we eat?” And I stumbled across this in a review which made me giggle! 
Now, I hadn’t ever really considered Cardiff to be a hot-bed of sophistication so wonder what this tells us about where we are going – although my visits have been hospital ones, so I guess I have not seen the best of the city! But anyway, that was my little “laugh-out-loud” moment for today!

And incidentally, the venue looks to be right near the place it would be logical for the much awaited Devon/Swansea ferry to land so future visits should be far simpler…. That is, assuming the Welsh fix up a landing point fairly soon! Perhaps they aren’t as keen on joining the two nations as we are… something to think on!

Oh, and as an FYI: When looking for a good restaurant ALWAYS switch on safe-search before using your preferred search engine to find “Eating out in Swansea”….

Believing as I do that a person should make up their own mind about things, I have spent some time hitting up You-tube. There are not a great deal of videos of Langford, but from what I have seen he is every bit as funny as many other comedians I have seen so I hope the nay-saying reviewers are hanging their heads in shame! In fact, of the few clips I found there were some which seemed to be from the very gigs referred to in the reviews I read. I sometimes wonder if the writers of negative reviews have simply thought up some great lines of derision and have to use them at any cost... something to think on, I guess! Anyway - roll on July!

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