Tuesday 11 October 2011

Sketchy with Diarmuid Corr

I often bemoan the fact that the I-player opens automatically on the TV page. As a listener rather than a viewer, I would like at least to be given the choice! But today I stumbled across this little gem.

I do not know if it was always there, but today there was a section of the player titled “Just For You” in which was a link to Sketchy. I must say, I think they need to expand the demographic slightly; or maybe show it somewhere other than in NI, unless of course they lie and it isn’t ‘just for me’ at all.

I very much enjoyed the show. It felt a lot like some of the comedy shows I grew up watching, with a great mix of sketches and stand-up.

In a time where the majority of the comedy characters to which we are exposed are reliant entirely on catchphrases and in-jokes, it is refreshing to see sketch-based comedy which is more heavily focussed on the writing and performance.

This show gave plenty of laughs, so you should definitely check it out!

Episode two is tomorrow (Weds) at 10:35pm on BBC One (NI) – or if that clashes with other shows you need to watch, catch it on the Iplayer any time thereafter!

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Anonymous said...

I watched Sketchy myself. I thought it was lame. Typical fare for BBC NI. If this is the best Northern Ireland has to offer, then we're fecked all roads.

Contrast Sketchy with the ace 'Burnistoun' from BBC Scotland. It's miles funnier.

It's Diarmuid Corny rather than Diarmuid Corr i'm afraid.

Funnily Enough said...

Appologies for the delayed response... been a busy time for me. It's good to hear a contrasting view. I would by no means suggest this show to be the best Ireland has to offer - firstly because I am not Irish myself and would hate to alienate a nation on the basis of such a glib statement and secondly because even in my own limited exposure to Irish media I have seen far better. I will look out for Burnistoun, though, so thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

This has to be the most awful comic that has ever been let on TV. i can't even raise a smile never mid a laugh. it is neither funny or slightly amusing and i am not a hard man to please. what worries me even more greatly is the fact that someone within the BBC found it sufficiently amusing to place on TV not once a week but twice. it is so bad it actually makes me mad. I really do resent my licence fee when i see this quality

Funnily Enough said...

What can I say - I stand by my comments. Ok, so it's not hilarious, there weren't any true fits of laughter, but there were some laughs. I have watched further episodes since and notice that is a case of "more of the same", but as I have to get these reviews posted at the beginning of a run I do have to judge on the first episode alone.

Thanks for posting, though - it's nice to have an opposing view for balance!

Anonymous said...

chronic diahoreeah of the highest order.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous, she works hard to write to entertain you. She spends most of her weekdays furiously scribbling notes in her little notebook and uses her own precious free time to watch/listen to these programmes. I can't help but feel a little immaturity towards the fact that you have to have the last word.
Read & enjoy, if not, then just don't bother reading it. Oh and it's diarrhoea*. :)

Funnily Enough said...

Thank you for the support, but I am not beyond a little debate. I know not everyone will agree with all I write and it is encouraging that people take the time to comment at all. I took the diarrhoea comment to refer to the Sketchy show rather than my words... hopefully that was the case... but either way, I am not offended in the least beyond that as a comment it does not give much of a discussion point. Play nice! xx

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