Thursday 11 October 2012

Just Another Info-Dump

It's a while since I wrote one of these What's Hot posts, but there is so very much to tell you all about right now it would be remiss not to. I know, I really should do these with more regularity but what can I say? Maybe I will now, who knows...

So what are we reading/watching/listening to?

You should all have listened to the fourth series of the utterly brilliant Those That Can't. The final episode is still on the Iplayer for a day or two, so catch it even if you have missed the rest. We were all rocked by Chris Corcoran's announcement that series four is to be the last ever, especially as this is by far the best series yet. I guess going out on a high is for the best, but I for one am very sad! Should you have missed previous instalments, there are links to series' two and three here . Links for this series will be available once the current episode drops from the IPlayer. There was good news from Elis James on his appearance with Louise Elliott today in the form of an upcoming second series of the utterly fantastic Social Club FM! A big whoop all round for that!
Whilst on the subject of the fabulous Mr James; series two of Pantheon of Heroes is being recorded next month, to be aired some time in December. Tickets for the recordings are available here! There is also a show airing tonight on BBC Wales about his career to date. The pics below link to some youtube vids of outakes from the recording of the show.

Another of those things I should have told you about sooner was the second series of Everyone Quite Likes Justin of which the last episode again is sadly all that remains for you to hear. This has been a brilliant series, far better than the last although it does seem it was given a rubbish timeslot, so I hope the listener figures have been good throughout.

Back on our TV screens at the moment is Gwlad yr Astra Gwyn. If you did not pay attention the last time, be sure to give the show a try now. It has English subtitles (although not through the red-button setup, but through Sky accessibility) so there is no excuse even if you do not speak Welsh!

Last week I was lucky enough to see Greg Davies' Back of My Mum's Head Tour, at which he was supported by the equally great Ed Gamble. See the review for the details, but do make the effort to see the show if it tumbles by your town!
I was also able to see Wil Hodgson who is very funny indeed. (Review to follow in my usual lazy, procrastinatory way!)

There is a huge amount of brilliant live comedy in the area right now. Sadly, I am not in a position to see as much as I would like as the hub-creature is still in a bad way following his surgery but I will share with you everything I do get to! (or will at least try!)

Anyhoo... there is much more to be honest. Comedy is hot news right now, with a great deal of new TV and radio shows as well as the usual glut of comedians dragging their Edinburgh-honed shows far and wide. I shall endeavour to be more organised and share things as they arise so I am not left with 812 things to tell you about!

But for now that's enough to go along with! Best Blogger Tips

Thursday 4 October 2012

Greg Davies: The Back of my Mum's Head Tour

The evening’s entertainment opened to a set from the utterly brilliant Ed Gamble. Although I had seen him previously as the “other half” of duo Peacock and Gamble, I hadn’t seen a live solo set from Ed before.
As anyone with any familiarity with his work would expect, though, he was extremely funny. He interacted brilliantly with the audience and was certainly one of the more confident support acts I have seen. He displays a level of self-assurance which cleverly stops literally on the line bordering cockiness, always delivered with a smirk which looks as though it quite literally allows him to get away with absolutely anything. Content-wise, there was nothing which fell short; perfectly streamlined material delivered flawlessly yet without the over-rehearsed feel that can sometimes come of such a tight write.

Details of the current Peacock and Gamble tour can be found here: Peacock and Gamble
You’ll see links to Ed’s and Ray Peacock’s individual gigs there too!

So to the main event.

With more stories of Greg’s family and friends, this show is quite literally hilarious from start to finish with his audience drawn fully into his world. In fact when I reviewed the DVD of his previous show I did comment on the way he makes us invest emotionally in his tales and this show is in much the same vein. Obviously it comes of his drama background, but he makes literally every word matter in a way I have seen from no other comedian. Every word he speaks hangs in the air long enough for everyone to catch onto it so that the entire audience were with him from start to finish.

It is unfortunate that there will usually be a dick in the audience somewhere – ours was next to me and was irritatingly speaking out where he believed a story might be going and trying to second-guess punchlines but again because of the way Greg performs I even stopped noticing that! (Lucky really, because I was wearing my killer heels and could easily have removed one and stabbed the guy in the eye with it!)
Alongside the extremely funny stories, we were also treated to the role-play of a conversation with his parents in which audience members took part and a rather emotive song (yes, he sings and plays the guitar too!)
Okay, he did claim the song had just been written that day and might not be part of the show proper, but honestly I never know what to believe. If it remains in the show then great because it was very funny and made a lovely close to the evening. If not, I don’t care because I have seen it and that’s what matters to me!
It is difficult to give a more detailed review without wildly giving away the content, so all I will say is that the show is absolutely fantastic and you should definitely go and see it if you get the opportunity.
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