Wednesday 11 July 2012

Ranty McRantpants

Insomnia bites!! It is almost 3am and I am not even feeling slightly tired... so instead I shall take this opportunity to file some of the remaining posts here as well as having a little moan - because there is something I stumbled across on the web earlier that really got me in a pissy-snip.

I posted recently about fandom and this is related in some ways...

See here's the thing: there is a fan-blog I visit regularly which is dedicated to a particular person (not who you think!- oh what, a post NOT about the Man!) The blog is written by someone who lives on the other side of the world from her subject, is never likely to meet him and even if some bizarre fate did make it happen she is almost twenty years his junior so I very much doubt there would be a relationship on the cards... nevertheless, she is infatuated. Which in and of itself isn't a big deal -I mean I am a fine one to comment on fangirl infatuations, I know that- but there are things in what was written that got to me.

The guy in question is a great blogger who is quite open with his audience and regularly responds to comments left. He had been blogging about his new girlfriend to which my fellow blogger had taken great exception... and here's where I started to get narked...

She was writing about how much hatred she had for the girlfriend, how she hoped the girl was run down by a bus, that she wanted her to get a heap of pustular boils over her face that would leave her scarred forever... I am paraphrasing, but this is the gist of the piece I was reading...

She and I had shared many conversations about this person and to read so much venomous bile from her really shocked me... and I know it's not just her - a glance through the twitter feeds of the Beliebers and OneDirectioners is a good place to start looking for lunatic fans, but here's the thing...

If you are genuinely a fan of someone and truly believe that they are a wonderful person, why would you want them to be lonely and single forever? And given that you think the subject of your illusion is so utterly amazing, can you not trust in their ability to choose a similarly upstanding mate? This person is someone moral, decent, honest and as I have already mentioned, extremely open... he's not going to be chosing a girlfriend who doesn't share some of those qualities - that doesn't happen!

Now when challenged on her attitude towards the girlfriend, the blogger stated that she couldn't dream of being with the guy if he was seeing someone... so here's the thing...

If you are reading this and are a person who has any sort of fanbase, you must remain single forever in order that your fans can dream of one day riding off into the sunset with you....

That's a reasonable enough request, isn't it?

Just get fucking real, people!! Everyone can dream of being swept off their feet in some hugely romantic gesture, or of being grabbed by the object of their infatuation, thrown against a wall and fucked into the next room... whatever gets you to sleep at night, eh... but it's just dreams, imaginings, illusion - in the real world life goes on. Your dreams are not subject to whether that person is with someone else or not, because lets face it, they are unlikely to ever become a reality anyway...

Truly there are a huge amount of fans across the world with a very loose grip on reality - to the point that you have to fear for their sanity (and the well-being of their prey!)

It'd be nice to inject a reality chip into some of them!

It's a while since I shared something from the Tubeofyous with you all, so because it illustrates my point perfectly, the ultimate anthem of dangerous fandom!

And a lesson in safe, feet-firmly-planted-in-reality (if a little on the letchy side) fangirling ~~ The Fangirl Page Best Blogger Tips

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