Saturday 23 April 2011

First Post...

Hello to new friends and old. First post in a new blog is always a suspect one. One feels it is important to lay out a full formal introduction, but I am afraid I have never been one for laying myself bare at the outset, rather preferring to reveal myself gradually; so pop by again some time when I have felt the need to add more.

What should you expect from this blog? Well, I generally have plenty to say, sometimes worthwhile literary contributions, sometimes drivelous ramblings. I am afraid you will have to suffer the nonsense to find the points of interest, but such is the way with even the best blogs of the web.

You don't have to agree with everything I write, in fact it is often better if you don't, as long as disagreement is handled in a sensible, grown-up manner! I am happy to enter into debate, but you should bear in mind that debates last as long as it takes for you to agree with me!
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