Thursday 14 July 2011

Swansea-day amongst other things

There are certain things in life you might think would carry a constant value. The one thing I realise, however, as I age in the most horrific way, is that nothing is certain.

That said, you would think a family of five would always consume a similar amount of toilet rolls in a week regardless of the number of bathrooms there are.

Why, then, in our delightfully cramped single-toilet house did a twelve-pack of rolls last two months, then our slightly roomier Victorian three storey with its additional downstairs cloakroom cost around nine rolls a week whilst this house with its two bathrooms and cloakroom seems to need some fifteen a week?! That is more than two rolls a day!

And this is the type of thing I shall be pondering as I walk back to the supermarket having gotten so absorbed in stocking up for this afternoon’s road trip I completely forgot my entire purpose when I went down earlier.

See, even just going to the supermarket for ONE thing I managed to forget it!

On the plus side, we are headed to Swansea Comedy Festival in a few short hours.

I think I'll leave this one to the Stones:

"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need"

And no, I'm not handling the age issue well! Just a few days ago, my best friend in the whole world referred to herself – and therefore me by proxy - as nearly forty. As someone who still handles the term mid-thirties badly, hearing her so casually throwing the F-word around made me die a little!
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