Wednesday 9 November 2011

Flylady : Schmylady!

Some days it is really hard to focus.

This pretty much represents how today is panning out for me:

So far, in order to avoid real work I have cleaned my kitchen and all three bathrooms, sorted a couple of boxes of stuff the kids don’t want into what is good for passing on and what is only fit for the bin, stared out of the window for a bit, contemplated cleaning the car (but it’s raining so I thought better of it), compiled some WMP playlists, prepared some stuff for an upcoming interview on a friend’s radio show (in spite of not yet even having a date for said interview!), sent out a few random BS emails about nothing in particular, written a poem and an article, completed a couple more future posts for this blog and blown out an hour on Youtube.

As for the job I am supposed to be doing: well, I have scribbled 3 pages of notes and opened somewhere in the region of several firefox tabs containing useful information and websites of interest… but I need a particular book – I know where it is, it’s in a box in the gym – might just have a run whilst I am out there!

On the plus side, look at what a productive day I’ve had!

Kicking the Flylady in the teeth; who says you need a plan and a clean sink to get anything done? All I need is a tricky topic to avoid writing about...

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