Monday 19 March 2012

In Summation...

I know, you think I have forgotten all about posting here… sorry! I have been hugely busy on another very important project – and something I have loved working on, so have not felt the need to be avoiding anything by talking drivel here… that said, there are a couple of reviews to post – although they may be a little late in coming, so more of a “look out for repeats” notice in some cases, but I have tried!

By way of a part-Sunday-Summary-part-humdrum-post (because lets face it, we don’t need two separate posts do we?) here are some of the things I started to tell you about over the weekend:

(And yes, I am fully aware it is Monday, but since I have not yet slept, technically I am still in Sunday – and what?)

Firstly, much love to all the mums, those who were mums, those who wish to be mums, those who have lost their own mother figures, to aunties and godmothers who act as a second mum and to grandmothers who are the ultimate in mum-ness – big love to womankind as a whole on Mothering Sunday.

I have some amazing memories of Mothering Sundays throughout my life. As a youngster, it was the one day my brother and I did not fight, as we joined forces to raid mum’s garden for flowers and demolish the kitchen to make her a special breakfast. Looking back, she probably dreaded the day. I can only imagine the fear with which she went to bed; looking from the window over her immaculate garden with despair knowing that we would have torn out the best blooms, trampled the newly emerging seedlings, inadvertently pulled roots from the ground in an attempt at pulling a flower free from its plant; the despondency as she cleaned the kitchen in the evening, already anticipating walking in the next day to find spills, crumbs, dirty dishes and chaos. She never said a word, though. It must have broken her heart that the flowers she lovingly devoted hours to tending could be so easily destroyed, yet she never once asked us “don’t do that again”; having to spend an hour cleaning the kitchen before being able to prepare lunch added to her load rather than giving her any thoughts of a day of pampering and leisure, but still she allowed us to do it each and every year. She must have struggled with every mouthful of her ‘relaxing’ breakfast in bed, more resentful with each bite… yet she endured it all knowing that our intentions at least were good.

And it is in the same spirit that I endured being awoken at some ungodly hour this morning by baby presenting two gifts from her and child one; a nice “top mum” mug and a token box containing five chocolates, then acting as peacekeeper in the ensuing argument once Child one awoke at around lunchtime and realised she had been cut out of the handover. Now you might think five chocolates is a measly amount to give a person, but in truth I don’t really like chocolate much and having opened my gifts first thing, I duly ate the five only to realise that was truly my limit. One more and I would not have been able to do the mandatory “stuffing your face with your gift” thing… so they did alright there; they can boast that they gave their mum a box of chocolates which she devoured alone, I don’t have to eat until I puke just to avoid seeming ungrateful and they haven’t wasted vast amounts of cash on purchasing unnecessary chocolates at inflated prices… so we are all happy.

Except I am not, but that is a whole other issue… the loneliness of my life hit me hard today. I have not seen the hub-person for a few days – he sends a child down once in a while with a demand for sandwiches or milk or to ask have I performed particular chores yet – but lately he has slept right through the day, so I have not needed to pander to him. So the bigger child-people have been in their rooms all day, hub-creature sleeping, baby outside playing – and I needed to go see my own mum. No-one wanted to come with me so I went alone, had a quick visit of dropping of her gifts (a cracking bottle of wine and a box of Black Magic – the latter supposed to be an ironic gesture which was completely lost on mum, as she was overjoyed at them! “I haven’t seen Black Magic for years! Wow, thanks!!”) and a cup of tea, before setting off for home.

Now when I am feeling low, I tend to drive it off; so before leaving mum’s I loaded up the stereo with Judas Priest then cranked it up loud and tore up the countryside!

And felt loads better by the time I arrived home an hour or so later to find all the child-people in the front room, happily getting along. Much like a disturbed rats nest they instantly dispersed back to their corners of the house, so I set upon my own Mothering Sunday gift to myself: a luscious bottle of Rioja and a giant bag of Tangfastics (because I am so refined!) whilst allowing Carl McCoy to serenade me for the rest of the evening...bliss!

So that was yesterday in a nutshell… what of the rest of the week?

Well, the only new post here last week was my review of the somewhat unimaginatively titled Sarah Millican’s Television Programme.

I make no apologies for the void– I was busy. Last week saw a flurry of commission requests so I spent a lot of time pondering over what I wanted to do and what I didn’t. I also spent a lot of time trying to write for that other blog, but have discovered some things are hard to write about. I have also found that my mind strangely veers to one topic no matter what I try to write, so have had to deal with that first – which I didn’t want to, so haven’t really done much there either…

Strangely, however, I have found plenty of time to make updates on the raging fangirl page. I worry it is becoming something of an obsession, but am fairly sure it is still within a healthy level so it’s fine! Oh and I made a static page – because I can. It relates to the fangirl thing, although is a *little* more professional. Find it here: Korkeys Six Nations Page

In all honesty, I know those of you who have no interest in the scrumptiousness that is Mr C think I am just time-wasting on these little projects but in actual fact it is helping me no end. I have learned a lot of new HTML techniques, gotten to grips with some graphics software I’ve had for ages and never used, learned loads of new SEO tips and had the opportunity to be a little visually creative… all useful for other more sensible posts!!

So to the week ahead:

Well, it’s my birthday in T-minus two days… which means three things:
1. I might be a proper mardy-arse for the next couple of days – you have been warned
2. I suspect I will hit an all-time low on Wednesday so should certainly be avoided then
3. By the weekend the annual funk should have started to lift (as that is usually the way!) so things will start to resemble normality around here!

Some fun stuff coming up, too. I am trying to avoid making promises of stuff to come, as I often do not get around to fulfilling and that just creates a whole issue of trust and broken promises… it all gets messy from there-in…

But… I am working on a *little* animation project (not drawn by me – a second guest contributor! How exciting!!) as well as trying to piece together something on episode two of Korkey’s Six Nations (I’ll announce updates through the usual means!)

Oh and *shock/horror* remember that panto thing last Christmas?… well, news on that front too… (okay, some might use the word Sell-out, but I don’t think it counts if you aren’t being paid, does it?)

One other thing, too… I have answered the issue of anonymity before, but I feel the need to clarify certain things.

I am perfectly happy for people who stumble across this blog to know who I am. In all honesty, there are so many clues here that someone who does know me would easily identify me. That said, because there are references to aspects of my home life of which not all are aware, I do not want that people can just search the web for me and land here… so that is why I hide behind a pseudonym created by my smallest child-person. Personally I do not see the contraversy in anonymity, but it seems to bother some. It is suggested that it says I am not being honest about who I am, but in reality I am more myself for being nameless than I would otherwise be able to be... so sorry if it doesn't suit, but you do only have to ask! I make no claims to be something/someone I am not and will openly answer any questions, so quite frankly my choice as to whether my name is emblazoned across this blog should not matter a jolt to anyone.

I should also say that the FE facebook identity has a few people on the friendlist who would rather not have their personal facebook available to those they do not know, so by having a separate persona I am helping them too.

I feel there should be a stonking payoff for your efforts at having read so much... not sure if I have posted this gem from Elis James before but it's a clip I very much love, so I hope you enjoy it too!

Best Blogger Tips

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