Saturday 26 November 2011

To All Appearances

I may just have found the perfect way of getting rid of the door-to-door religion salesmen!

I am generally far too polite for my own good and end up chatting to them for an age when they come around, but for the most part I do not mind this too much. As with my attitude towards the type of comedy which challenges our thought patterns, I view these visits as a great way to affirm my own faith; particularly when my own belief system is being as heavily challenged as right now. Spending time only with those who share your own beliefs leads to a certain complacency so I relish the opportunity to defend my opinions to those who view things differently. It is also endemic of my eclectic nature that rather than holding to a particular belief system I follow a path of my own making by taking parts of formal religions so it is nice to hear how things are viewed by certain groups of people.

Occasionally, however, I would rather not be stuck on the doorstep for almost an hour discussing my views on what the bible says about the current economic climate. This morning is one such day.

Having been through a particularly difficult phase with the hub-person yesterday, I will admit to being scared of what I might wake to this morning, so opted for the sofa. Worried about him, though, I found myself awake much of the night, heading up a few times to listen at the door to check all was well. This means I slept the sum total of about four hours to wake at around ten – a fact I am sure will offer great reassurance to my regular readers given my need for a predictable Saturday!

Then a knock at the door.

Now, we are currently being subjected to an onslaught of charity do-gooders* begging for bank details, so I contemplated ignoring it. Unfortunately, though, the knock came as I was headed past the door, so I knew I would have been seen. I answered, then, to a man I could barely recognise through my bleary eyes and with the glare of a bright winter’s morning although the magazines in his hand showed it was, in fact, my regularly visiting Jehovah’s Witness. “Sorry to have disturbed you in this state!” – ummm… ok. Not quite sure what he meant by that – I had flung a sweatshirt and leggings over my nightwear (the office is cold today!) so wasn’t especially in a state of undress or anything, but clearly was not looking great! So he just handed over the usual magazines; no reference to articles of interest, no query as to whether I agreed with the current passage of bible study, just a “here you go, I’ll leave you in peace”.

Confidence knocked for the day then. Although a glance in the mirror showed exactly what had scared him so. Only three small factors, but enough to make me seem as though I had a thoroughly enjoyable Friday night: I have a degree of ptosis which looks far worse when I have not slept well (and I haven't!); I also have the driest eyes on the planet (once had a 10-minute blot paper test and there was absolutely no moisture) so they are red and sore-looking before I apply medication; add to this the fact that I am having the worst kind of bad-hair day having opted to forego blow-drying my hair before settling down to sleep last night.

Attractive creature, eh?!
Funnily enough, as I write this Rhod and Chris are currently discussing people lying in dating ads to make themselves seem more attractive.

Before I sidetrack, then, onto something else, I will conclude what I set out to say: namely that in future if I am wanting to avoid talking to the man at the door I will simply rough up my hair, rub sand in my eyes and affect a greater droop of my eyelid.

Looking Pretty

Anyway – connected with the subject of appearance and since it fits with this morning’s intellectual debate from Messers Gilbert and Corcoran, what of the whole issue of lying to impress when signing up for internet dating sites?

Is there really any point? I mean it’s all very well, I guess if you are looking for nothing beyond exchanging a few emails; but if you are truly looking for a partner why would you make claims to be someone you are not? You are not likely to form an actual relationship if you have to start with apologising for every lie you have told on your application, are you? Surely what you would want to do is sell yourself short so when they meet you their first thought, rather than disappointment is “Not as bad as I expected!”

Or maybe it’s a sign of my current state of mind that “not as bad” sounds like quite the compliment.

*I should make it clear that I have nothing against the idea of charity, but I have huge issues with the current wave of door-knocking beggars. The smugness they respond with when you say no. “Do you not think the future of our children is important?” – of course I bloody do, but I choose to show this by actions which benefit others rather than by throwing money into a scheme which is unlikely to ever be seen in this area anyway. I also know that the person currently judging my attitude towards parting with “just enough for a daily paper” (which as it happens I do not buy anyway!) most likely does not have a monthly standing order either and is taking money from the charity for the time they are running around the streets guilting people into handing over their cash.

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