Friday 22 June 2012

CCF12 PREVIEW: Dan Mitchell

This piece was originally written as a preview to the event. For the review, go here: Free Egg Review

My life being what it is right now, the time I can physically spend at the Cardiff Comedy Festival is limited but the moment I heard that Dan Mitchell would be previewing his Edinburgh show Free Egg I knew I had to be around for it. I saw him many years ago in a place I don't even remember at one of those shows you walk away from feeling thoroughly entertained but having forgotten the names of all the acts; in fact I only learned his name when I saw him on the ITV programme Show Me the Funny. I shan't repeat my thoughts on that show... but being the only contestant I had heard of, I would have liked to have seen him win. As with such shows, though, all those with true talent have come out of it well so I have no real issues with the fact he didn't.

Anyway, drifting from the point... my regular readers will be used to this by now, but I am aware many reading these posts are not, so I will try to keep it relevant!

I know it's a phrase I maybe use too often, but what can I say - Dan Mitchell is just naturally funny; he doesn't need to try. There is a phrase my nine-year-old used once which fits so well here: "Comedy just falls from his face".

Not much more I can add to that really!

So yes, go along to this show... entry: FREE, so even if like me you have to travel to get there you have ONLY travel costs to worry about! What more could you ask for?

Head to the event page here:
Dan Mitchell ~ Free Egg

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