Friday 3 August 2012


It’s a while since I had to post one of these “why I’ve been lazy” posts… the reason behind my silence of late should be clear to regular readers, but as I am aware I picked up a wave of new subscribers over the last few weeks I guess I need to explain myself.

Returning from my recent trip to Cardiff, I found the funk descending. It has proven quite difficult to shift; even now as I write this from beneath the duvet I have barely left for almost two weeks. I won’t clutter up this blog with the hither and thither; just suffice it to say I am suddenly glaringly aware of all that is wrong in the world right now.

But anyway – with that in mind, I do still have a job to do here, so am dragging myself back into the real world for just long enough to complete my little to-do list.

Ordinarily, I don’t share my lists with you all – but I am sure I am more likely to complete if I do so here it is:

This catchup post
• Reviews from the Cardiff trip (x5)(x3)
• Completion of the Cardiff blog-within-a-blog
• Complete new static pages in progress (x2)
• Two vaguely topical posts which are both part-written
• Investigate image display options for a photo-set

And that is all!

Hope to be soon back to full speed, but in the mean time to be wading through treacle is at least an improvement! Best Blogger Tips

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