Monday 25 June 2012

CCF12 PREVIEW: Elis James and Lloyd Langford

Elis James and Lloyd Langford

Previewing their shows in preparation for Edinburgh are the brilliant Elis James and Lloyd Langford.

I hardly think you should need telling about this pair, but I have a role to fulfill, so here you are!

I saw Lloyd Langford twice last year (you can read my review of one preview show HERE) and he was great.
To my mind, the truest guage of how good an act is comes of how they respond when something unexpected is thrown at them and I remember a particular moment at one show that a couple seated near me decided quite literally in the middle of one of his rambles they would leave... knowing that where they were seated would mean making four others at our table stand to let them out. Obviously, Lloyd noticed this and for a moment it was clear his confidence took a bash (especially given that it must have seemed an entire table were leaving!) and he lost his train of thought. He took it completely in his stride, though - just left that piece of his set and moved on. I was glad to see him the second time just to find the end of that particular piece (and don't even start me on the rudeness of walking out in as abrupt a way as they did, because it wasn't even as though they hadn't laughed- let's just say they clearly had other entertainment planned!) but it just shows that even though he portrays an image of disinterest and detachment he is actually completely aware of what is going on around him and his pretense of having not rehearsed his material and claims in that instance of making it up as he goes is a complete fabrication. Quite honestly, I still haven't worked out why we don't see/here more of him on TV or radio but hopefully that will soon change.

And what do I need to tell you about Elis James? Very funny, slick and subtle; crude enough to be interesting but not so much it makes the audience squirm. It might be more to do with his material than delivery as I have only seen him do one set (allbeit more than once!) but he comes across at first as quite naïve and innocent until you realise he is sneaking little moments past you un-noticed. It's a process which is hard to explain, but is testament to his imense talent as a writer as well as his performance skills.

I will say no more, because as with these things I do feel I am descending into the gushiness I try to avoid... but if for whatever reason you have never seen either of these guys, you should definitely do along. Or even if you have... but you won't need telling because no doubt you will have bought your tickets already!

Head to the event page here:
Elis James/Lloyd Langford

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