Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year Aspirations

New Year befalls us again!

And so it is that I once again find myself stumbling down the pathway into Clichédom with accidental intentions of self-improvement and an end to bad habits.

I hate the concept of resolutions and work hard to avoid them; nevertheless as the clock strikes midnight, calendars are opened and a new chapter begun I always find myself alone; stuffed from the over-indulgence of a meal and a bottle of wine intended for five which I have taken alone, maudlin from the heartbreak of making plans which as always come to nought and far too introspective to trusted in charge of my own life for any period of time. Thus I find myself listing all that is wrong with my life, all that I need to change and most importantly all that I have the power to change in an attempt to make the most of the next year.

And yes, I understand that decisions made tonight will leave me feeling virtuous for few weeks before realising that nothing I can do will change the things about my life that most need alteration and resigning to yet another failure… but still I know I will awaken tomorrow in the midst of an accidental detox plan with a beautifully formatted list of hopes and dreams for the coming twelve months (or more realistically, days).

But anyway …

I truly hope 2012 brings each and every one of you all the health, wealth and happiness you deserve. Best Blogger Tips

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