Friday 30 March 2012

Just in Case

Ordinarily I steer clear of politics… I’ve explained why before so won’t go into it again now!

The thing that pisses me off most when you start declaring a political stance on anything is the dependence on the level of intelligence of those reading it. And since I don’t doubt the intelligence of my readership here, I will use this place to rant… because the world is clearly filled with morons incapable of understanding a throwaway statement of glibness.

A friend had posted something on their own blog with reference to the ‘Pasty Tax’ and the current queues for fuel, stamp prices etc… to which I made the remark:

“Well, I live in the home of pasties so we make our own, my car has all the fuel I will need for the few trips I make and I mail probably around four items a year so am feeling very let down by the government; when will they give me something to complain about.”

I should say it isn’t a particularly political blog, it’s a personal space for ranting and as such is visited mostly by friends and family – so I gauged that my comment would be ok and for the most part it was – except for one person who came by the post and replied that I was obviously “far too rich” for my own good and that if I wasn’t worried for our future I must live a very privileged existence, blah-blah- WTF!!!

Of course I am worried:

I live in the region with the highest water bills, highest council tax, highest dependence on cars and lowest income in the whole frigging UK… so YES I worry for the future – but I am not filling my house with fuel, stamps and fucking pastry goods to prove my point.

Even living in a town as I do, I cannot live without a car – bus journeys cost as much as the fuel would to drive them and do not cover everywhere; being a really hilly area we use more fuel than other places; and things are generally spread over a greater distance. The hub’s hospital appointments are all at closest 56 miles away – beyond a walk even for me! So YES – I do need my car. As does everyone I know. Were public transport more affordable and available to all, then maybe more people would be able to do away with their vehicles, but it is just not practical.

So yes, I am worried at the ever-increasing cost of fuel and at the possibility that there might not be any – but I am more worried at the nature of the people who are filling can after can and stockpiling the bloody stuff ‘just in case’.

And yes, food prices concern me greatly. I have three children and a disabled husband to provide for. I could be far better off financially were I to stop working and just claim benefits but I choose not to – and I do worry that at some point this choice might bite me in the ass as prices grow higher and higher – might there come a time I can no longer afford to put food in people’s mouths? Maybe – but I am not giving in now ‘just in case’.

And in all honesty, big whoop if stamps cost more; if you mail enough stuff that it really makes a difference to you maybe you should be looking into using a delivery service already? There are plenty of them around, many far more reliable than Royal Mail. Or maybe think about whether you really need to be mailing paper at all.

Or just buy a hundred stamps now – ‘just in case’.

So don’t tell me I am out of touch with reality – I am fully aware of how shit the world is.

I choose to ignore it and worry instead about the things I actually have it within my power to change and/or control…

So shut the fuck up, yeah? – Just in case!!

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