Wednesday 16 May 2012

Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience

Click this image to go to the BBC Arts page to make your own Rhod doll!

Series three of this brilliant show is currently airing on BBC1 Wales, with repeats on BBC2 yet to come for the rest of the UK. That said, it is obviously available on the Iplayer for catch-up, so be sure to take a look.

Anyway; I am sure I have spoken of the show before and you ought to have watched some of the previous episodes- but for those amongst you who have not seen it, here’s a mini-breakdown:

Each week Rhod Gilbert takes on a different job, immersing himself into the role in his unique way and injecting his own brand of humour and mockery into the daily grind of his hosts.

The selection of jobs is thus:

Series one was the kind people we all take it for granted have a fairly easy job but in actual fact don’t. In this series, he was a bin-man, a mum, hairdresser and soldier.

Series two was the sexual fantasy series, seeing Rhod work firstly as a farmer -okay, not particularly sexy at first thought, but think more carefully! Rugged and outdoorsy; strong and manly whilst also showing his sensitive side with the animals… with me now?! Next he donned the finery to work as a butler, before getting his kit off to be tattooed and pierced, then leaving us with the image of Firefighter Rhod. And I’ll leave you with that mental image for a moment or two.

Back with us now?

Okay, so now to series three. You have unfortunately missed the airing of the first two episodes in which Rhod worked as a teacher at a fantastic school and as a Zookeeper at the Welsh Mountain Zoo in Clwyd, North Wales; although there is the BBC Two repeat to look forward to (I think it’s usually a couple of weeks after the last episode airs in Wales) and obviously the Iplayer. Yet to come we get to see Rhod as a Drag Artist and Policeman (honestly, I suspect series four might have to end on the Gladiator episode or something! There must still be Gladiators, aren’t there? … and obviously I mean the ‘killing Christians’ type, not the ‘very camp 80’s muscle-bound meathead’ ones you may be thinking of)

As you would expect from Rhod Gilbert, the show is hilarious. There really is something about the way he interacts with those he works with which brings out the best in everyone to the point where even the most mundane of daily chores becomes an adventure into the unknown. I also find myself taken with his humility; he is never afraid to show his fallibility and doesn’t ever duck out of doing the demeaning parts of the job on the basis of his status.
Equally hilarious of course is the simile-laden narration as Rhod talks us through his working day.

I don’t think I need say more than that – tune in Monday’s 10.35pm to catch the last two episodes, watch (and rewatch) the current two on the Iplayer…

Just wanted to add a little update here in the form of images. The final episode was unfortunately not shown due to legal issues. Not being a person to speculate or start rumour, I am simply conveying what information is available at the moment.

1st August: A small update since I see there are a few search hits for information on the final episode: Still no news as regards when we can expect it I am afraid.
The official line is simply that there are legal issues which need to be resolved and I will not make any attempts to guess what these issues might be - why is the least relevant factor, to be honest!

The awaited Policeman episode will be shown this coming Tuesday, 10pm on BBC1Wales

You can buy the series one and two DVD here:

Absolutely brilliant DVD... well worth the money for the extras alone!

If you need to learn more about the show, each image below links to the relevant BBC programme page:
Rhod Refuse Collector Rhod Beautician Sun Shower Rhod Mum Rhod Squaddie
Rhod Farmer Rhod Butler Rhod Tattoo Rhod Fireman
Rhod Teacher Rhod Zoo Keeper Rhod Drag Rhod Policeman

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