Friday 26 August 2011

Lee Nelson's Well Good Show

I tried to enjoy it; I honestly did.

My regular readers may remember I wrote a while ago about my inability to review something I had not enjoyed (here’s a link back to it, for those who do not remember). I do worry that giving only glowing reviews has an effect on my integrity, making me seem at best sycophantic, but having been brought up with the “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing” attitude I find it difficult. That said, I did promise a concerted effort, so here goes!

Having been made to endure a couple of episodes of the previous series of this show, I was fully aware what to expect. Little surprise, then to see this new series follows the exact same pattern with nothing new or particularly creative added.

Obviously, I am fully aware that Nelson is purely a character and can accept that as such his attitudes and opinions are supposed to be exaggerated and affected, but I still see nothing funny in the belittling and humiliation of audience members we see in this programme.

It is a real shame, because as a character, Nelson works; Simon Brodkin’s appearances on Al Murray’s ITV series, “Multiple Personality Disorder” always had me laughing but I just find nothing in the current format worth even raising a smile.

Granted, he has great pace and energy which he maintains throughout, but this is misdirected into cruel taunts and jibes. Again, I know the comments are those of the character rather than the comedian, but still a constant flow of taunts shows little of the intelligence and writing skill of someone who has created such a potentially fantastic character.

Having grown up in the era of only one television per household, I spent much of my youth being forced to watch television comedy I really did not want to. Often, though, there would be a point during the show at which I would release a little smirk or even a chuckle in spite of myself. That, to me, is wherein the best comedy lies: something which can make its audience laugh even when they really do not want to. We have all had that moment I am sure; sitting in traffic with the window down, radio on and something is said which makes you compulsively laugh aloud to meet the confused stares of pedestrians or fellow slaves to the transport system. Those moments where you have no control of the volume or style of your laugh, they are when you know something is truly funny.

So stoically sitting to watch this programme, with my seventeen year old screeching hysterically at every last word I waited for that moment…. I am not sure how long one should ordinarily wait, but the show is a half hour long and having watched it through twice now (because I am nothing if not thorough!) I am still waiting…

Episode one is on the I-player until the end of October if you are so inclined. Next new episode is 22:30 on 1st September. If you enjoyed anything about the last series, then I guess you will equally like this one since it is a carbon print.

In the mean time, though, I have trawled around You-tube and found this for you; to my mind far more worthy of your precious time!

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