Thursday 29 December 2011

Renewed: Administrative Housekeeping

I know it is going to seem as though I have been just kicking back of late, but I assure you I have not.

I have been shuffling a lot of projects around, finding more effective ways of working and the outshot is this:
• My long-term personal blog is to be wound up. Whilst I do post there daily, I have found of late that the pressure to do so is making it ever harder to fulfil commitments here and elsewhere… so those who subscribe there but not here should be re-thinking. Of course, the content here is not as intimate, but as time goes on I am finding it easier to be myself – who knows, I may soon be using my real accent and everything!*
• This blog needs regular new posts; all part of the SEO so that people find the reviews when they are current. Not that I proclaim to be an expert in SEO or any other geekness, but I certainly know far more about it now than I did a year ago! This means that from time-to-time there have to be slightly off-topic posts so I will stop apologising for them. Likewise, I will stop apologising for ads… they are essential as I need to make a living. Your clicks would be appreciated, since I get the income for clicks rather than for just having them there at all… especially considering I do take the time to check through the settings in order to keep them vaguely relevant instead of just signing up for an ad-service and letting them put whatever they choose.
• Having finally decided to listen to those who give unsolicited advice, I shall start to write with more idea as to the outcome. No more sitting at a blank page and just running with whatever comes out. I am unsure how this is going to affect you or whether I even need to be telling you, but there it is anyway. It could be that being so organised this blog becomes sleeker, tidier and less haphazard; or maybe the opposite could be true as my brain melts down over having to be so structured with my other projects. Don’t know, don’t much care right now… but there it is.
• I will also stop using this blog as a means to avoid other (more important) administrative jobs, such as… I don’t know; tax returns for example. I spend far too much time mulling over which things to publish, whether this post needs a video or photo, do I already have a picture or should I head out on a shoot? … all at the expense of filling forms, mailing invoices and other equally tedious tasks… this ends today! (well, tomorrow!)

*for those who only know me for this blog I know that reference is lost; all I can say is that one day I will post an explanation, and when I do you will saviour that small moment of “Oh! So that’s what she meant!” but for now, just indulge me please!

So there you are… and since I am in the midst of three new pieces, not to mention the several I already have written and ready to be coded and published, I bid you farewell for now and look forward to the evolution of this blog.
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