Sunday 29 January 2012

Sunday Summary 29/01

writing tools
I’ll be honest; I am closing this week in Quandary Lane, somewhere just off the intersection with Indecision Street.

There are a couple of things I have been working on of late of which I am quite proud and would really like to include here; I am concerned though because the subject matter is … well, it’s crude, sweary and likely to offend some… but I know some of you will like it as much as I do… so do I drag this blog into a pit of iniquity and risk losing some of you for the sake of sharing a few pieces of work?

I have been trying to re-write in a less -I guess graphic would be the right word- way… but I just can’t see the funny in it when it has been watered down; and were I writing a guide on how to be funny, I am fairly sure step one would be something along the lines of writing things which seem funny to yourself.

In terms of achievements this week:

  • Not that I am number-driven, but my visitor stats have reached an all-time high here this week. Don’t get me wrong, I have done the research and know exactly how I could have hundreds of people passing by this blog on a daily basis; the steps I would need to take though would take me away from what I really want this blog to be, so I choose to plod along in my own way; and it’s always fabulous to be able to stick two fingers at the ‘experts’!
  • Whilst TV and radio seems to hold little that is new right now, I have been looking further afield. I know some of you are tiring of my constant Welsh references, but there is some fabulous stuff to be found there right now. Starting with the brilliant “Gwlad yr Astra Gwyn” which I reviewed earlier this week and “Elis James Pantheon of Heroes” which is to follow (well, the review is ready to upload, just that I have to select a sample file to upload with it, which is proving tricky when the entire thing is so bloody funny!) amongst other things. I am trying to cover things which aren’t being covered on quite literally every review site, mostly because we do all become creatures of habit and I would like to help you break that even for just half an hour!
  • There has been something of a resurrection of some old favourites on the BBC IPlayer – in particular, sitcoms Everyone Quite Likes Justin and Claire in the Community as well as Chris Addison’s The Ape That Got Lucky, sketch show The End of the World Show … the list is endless, so take a look for yourself at the comedy section of the listings and see if your old favourite is there.
  • I have completed a huge chunk this week of that darker piece I have been referring to… I will try to post some sort of abridgment here, but I am not sure how that will work out without losing the full context. To be honest, with this being a fairly surreal piece, I am not sure whether to see it written down makes it seem a little silly… as a spoken word piece, it works really well, though! (I guess you’ll have to just take me at my word on that!)
  • Oh, I finally filed my tax return too! That’s got to count as an achievement I think!!

So another pretty good week in spite of near zero sleep and general apathy… imagine where I could be by now if were a little more driven, eh?

Another something to think on, I guess!

And because I love it… here’s a clip from Everyone Quite Likes Justin, written by Justin Moorhouse and Jim Poyser.

This clip features Justin Moorhouse, Susan Cookson, Paul Copely and Lloyd Langford:
Best Blogger Tips

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