Wednesday 16 May 2012

Just a Quickie (Missus!)

Not even drafting this one, I'm so hardcore! (although without the squiggles it's gonna be hard to see where I have typed too fast for my eyes to keep up, so excuse typos, yeah?!)

Really living on the edge as only I can...

Keep up, people!

Just wanted to let you all know I am still very much here.

Mostly, anyway.

Check the other blogs for updates as to why I am quiet...

There are posts approaching, though. Have spent the past week writing a review of the fabulous Rhod Gilbert's Work Experience... as per usual trying to make it sound objective is the stumbling block, but I seem to have managed for the most part!

I wonder if I don't need more balance, so if you have something REALLY BAD you think I should review, please send it! Honestly, anything at all... I just need one review that says "This is utter shit!" I should be like a real reviewer and have my smart-arsed punchlines of hatred written out in preparation to copy/paste into the review, but that's really not my style...

Anyway, there is other stuff too... you'll just have to wait.

Oh, and the A-Z is taking a back seat for a moment I'm afraid... I had gotten as far as F and had a few later letters covered, but there is another project before me so I will sit on that for now! Continue to send suggestions, though... even for the letters I have done, as I can always add more. Oh, and those with a particular C suggestion - look at the rest of the blog, do really you think he needs adding to the A-Z too? I think I've said all I have to say on that particular subject, don't you?

Anyhoo... quick update over coffee becomes rambling nonsense... adding media/formatting and will be posting REAL stuff forthwith!

Appologies in advance to feed subscribers for a sudden hit today, but you can't have it all ways!

Happy Days, all!!

For no real reason ... some bloobreeze from my garden!
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