Wednesday 15 June 2011

Walkman Woes!

Every once in a while, we have these little moments which remind us we are not as young as we would like to think.

So I drop my oldest daughter at college and as she gets out of the mum-bus I notice the wire of her earphones hanging off the shelf below the stereo. She was darting off, late as per usual, so there was no time to think too much about what I was saying, so I found myself yelling out the car window “Sweetie, your walkman!”

She came back to the car: “Mum that is shameful!” grabbing the Ipod and giving the students walking past that “God, my mum is so embarrassing” look before going on her way again.

Funniest thing is, I am sure she thought I had said it intentionally to show her up in front of her peers – truth is: yes, I am that old and at that moment it was the only word I could find.

Maybe driving her to college takes me back to my own college days and I was remembering trekking up the hill my girl is too sissy to walk up rocking out to Metallica, Megadeth and Fields of the Nephilim (or if I were in a good mood, Kiss!) with my walkman tucked neatly into the inside pocket of my leather biker jacket.

I have the last laugh, though – since my spellcheck can recognise the word walkman but not Ipod! So I am as up-to-date as the Microsoft corporation....hmmm....

By way of adding something fun, by some magic of synchronicity, this tune from my favourite album of college days happened to shuffle by on my generic media player as I ran out of things to type so adding it seems fitting!

I will warn you now that the gimicky ad takes you to the cassette version, since I was not lucky enough to own a CD until I was well out of college and because at heart I am a bit of a purist about these things!

Dawn Patrol by Megadeth

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