Sunday 11 December 2011

Jimmy Carr: Being Funny

There is little Jimmy Carr says that does not have me falling about laughing, although I do judge each new offering on its own merit.

This particular DVD is as one would expect: crude, juvenile and downright offensive… so it should not surprise you in the least that I loved every moment!

If you like your comedy safe and held within clearly defined boundaries, maybe this is not the DVD for you, although I am sure we can find something suitable for you in the annals of comedy history.

If you have never seen any of Jimmy Carr’s stage shows, you should be aware that his TV persona is very much “Jimmy-lite” so if you have ever felt offended by anything he has said on television, you should possibly also avoid this… or any of his other DVD’s for that matter, but then you possibly would not be bothering to read this review anyway, so not to worry!

Were I a ‘stars and rankings’ type of reviewer, I would very much put this near the top of my chart with full stars – absolutely brilliant!

Click > Buy > Watch > Laugh
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