Monday 5 December 2011

Greg Davies: Firing Cheeseballs at a Dog

Pretty much as one would expect, this DVD is brilliant!

Greg Davies' delivery is brilliant; methodical, deliberate and engaging; drawing the audience completely into his world and making feel complete empathy towards him.

There are a few emotional moments within this performance which I would like to think are real, although the cynical side of me would suggest that they might simply be part of the act – I have to say I would feel incredibly cheated of my own emotional investment in his tales were I to discover this were the case, though!

I have so much more to say (as I am sure you will expect!) but I am keeping these short so as to get them all done in a timely fashion!

I know people are wanting to know what to buy and Christmas is almost upon us, so I will simply close by saying that if you appreciate a good, hearty laugh this should definitely be on your Christmas list.

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