Wednesday 21 December 2011

Happy Holidays and other wishy washy greetings

I am aware that in general we should avoid assumptions about the beliefs of our readership and as such Christmas is one of those subjects we are supposed to ignore; however, I am Anglican, as are the majority of my readership and in our society at least, Christmas is celebrated by all regardless of religion.

In fact, my immediate neighbours are Muslim yet last year after I left them off my Christmas card list out of deference for the fact the festival held no importance to them, I was surprised to receive a gift from them; even more so to see their children joining in with the Christmas festivities at school, singing along with songs praising Jesus.

Whilst I do feel that respect should be given to those with different beliefs, I really have to say the situation we get in by trying to avoid enforcing our own religion on others (including using the insipid non-denominational phrase ‘Happy Holidays’) is ridiculous. It irks me all the more because in essence all we are doing is wishing someone a few days of peace, joy and happiness surrounded by those they love most- a great sentiment at any time of the year, surely! In fact, I was overjoyed a while ago when my neighbours delivered some food which was part of a day of celebration to them – I did not get on a huge rant about feeling offended that they were forcing their beliefs on me… in much the same way as my JW friend didn’t when he departed one day early in December saying “I won’t come around for a while now, because we like to sit back and let you all enjoy your festivities” to which I instinctively responded with “Ok, well have a nice Christmas then and I’ll see you in the New Year!”

I personally love Christmas. I like that it is the one time of year my constant list-making is not as open to mockery; excluding the one year I had to make a list of lists because I was sure I had forgotten something. Which I had as it happens so who had the last laugh? Actually, they did, because the need to list my lists somehow highlighted a personality flaw of which all around me had been aware for some time – but would they have laughed so hard had I never sent out cards? I think not!

I also love the whole process of decorating, making things with the kids and hiding in the kitchen for hours on end to appear with stacks of baked goods. It does seem to some that I hate it, especially as I get more stressed as time goes along, but I thrive on the stress and chaos and actually enjoy the constant need to be busy doing one thing or another. I have to admit to also deriving some sort of sick pleasure from seeing fear on the faces of those I love most as they open the kitchen door “WHAT NOW??!!” “nothing… it can wait….” I get left alone for the most part – which suits me no end!

The one place I fail is in the gifting thing. I am inherently bad at consumerism; in fact capitalism in general is far beyond me. I am shit at making money and even worse at spending it. In fact, even during a time when money really was no object, I still could not bear to spend anything. Of course, the hub-creature could – leaving us now with a fully kitted out workshop of around £30k worth of tools he can never use – but I’m not bitter… in the least. I do give nice gifts, don’t get me wrong; I don’t head out and buy tat for pennies, but think long and hard about what a person really needs and act accordingly… so the issue is not the gifts themselves, more the fact that I put off buying them until the absolute last minute. And that is where I find myself now – frantically hoping the mail order companies fulfil their promise of a timely delivery and then having to rush around visiting everyone on Christmas Eve…

I don’t receive presents, either. My parents give me a gift, the same thing every year and a gift for which I am very grateful; they make a hamper of Christmas snacks which is great because I hate having to do the clichéd big-shop of nuts, Mini Cheddars and Quality Street so they do it for me; fabulous, thoughtful and much appreciated. That is my only gift, though, excluding money sent by my grandparents. This is what happens, you see, when you make a stand against consumerism and all it represents; people think it means you want nothing. I consider myself a really easy person to buy for, being quite open about who I am and what I like, yet still it seems I am misunderstood. This is not just a Christmas thing, birthdays are the same. My best ever birthday present by far was from my greatest friend in the world; a huge bath bomb, a book token and a baby-sitting voucher. That gift completely summed me up and was the perfect indication that she totally understood everything I am yet she and my mother seem to be the only people to truly get me.

So anyway – I am hoping to pop back again before the day descends… but no promises, since I have a postman to greet, cards to write (yes, ok – I know they should be done by now!) and lots of cooking to do… most importantly a giant birthday battenburg for the hub-creature! So if you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen – but approach with care!

For no other reason than because I can, I link here to my Christmas soundtrack. Whilst radio and TV seem determined to force us to listen to the same few songs over and again, I have found some I really like to listen to; mostly because they are a little bit different. So here is the entire OTFAF Christmas playlist from Youtube: enjoy!

So have a Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Pancha Ganapati, Yuletide or whatever your chosen festivity.

Hell, why don't we just celebrate them all! Be joyous, happy, blessed and share that love, peace and happiness with all around you!

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